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Calculated Industries 4065 Construction Master Pro Advanced Construction Math Feet-inch-Fraction Calculator for Contractors, Estimators, Builders, Framers, Remodelers, Renovators and Carpenters





ROOF, RAFTER, FRAMING KEYS - give you quick solutions for common, regular, irregular jack and hip/valley rafters, roof surface area, cutting angles

COMPLETE STAIR LAYOUT FUNCTIONS - let you quickly solve for number of treads, tread width, risers, stringers, stairwell openings, inclination angle

QUICKLY ESTIMATE MATERIAL COST - for all your layouts and construction projects, square footage, studs on center, drywall, roofing, blocks, footings

RUGGED AND CONVENIENT - set preferences that you want for fractions, riser and floor height, studs on center and it comes with an Armadillo Gear case

CONVERSIONS ARE A SNAP - work in the units and format you want without having to struggle with math - feet and inches, fraction, decimal or metric

Video Review Calculated Industries 4065 Construction Master Pro Advanced Construction Math Feet-inch-Fraction Calculator for Contractors, Estimators, Builders, Framers, Remodelers, Renovators and Carpenters